Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
check_topography_data | dyn_comp | Subroutine | Check for consistency in topography data. The presence of topography file is inferred from the |
define_cam_grid | dyn_grid | Subroutine | This subroutine defines and registers four variants of dynamics grids in terms of dynamics decomposition.
Their names are listed in |
dyn_debug_print | dyn_comp | Subroutine | Print a debug message at a debug level. The debug message will be prefixed by "MPAS Interface (N): ", where |
dyn_exchange_constituent_states | dyn_comp | Subroutine | Exchange and/or convert constituent states between CAM-SIMA and MPAS.
If |
dyn_final | dyn_comp | Subroutine | Finalize MPAS dynamical core as well as its framework. (KCW, 2024-10-04) |
dyn_grid_id | dyn_grid | Function | Helper function for returning grid id given its name. (KCW, 2024-03-27) |
dyn_init | dyn_comp | Subroutine | Initialize MPAS dynamical core by one of the following: 1. Setting analytic initial condition; 2. Reading initial condition from a file; 3. Restarting from a file. (KCW, 2024-05-28) |
dyn_inquire_mesh_dimensions | dyn_comp | Subroutine | Inquire local and global mesh dimensions. Save them as protected module variables. (KCW, 2024-11-21) |
dyn_mpas_check_variable_status | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Check and return variable status on the given file. |
dyn_mpas_compute_edge_wind | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Compute the edge-normal wind (tendency) vectors at edge points. |
dyn_mpas_compute_unit_vector | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Compute local east, north, and edge-normal unit vectors. |
dyn_mpas_debug_print | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Print a debug message at a debug level. |
dyn_mpas_define_scalar | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Define the names of constituents at run-time. |
dyn_mpas_exchange_halo | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Update the halo layers of the named field. |
dyn_mpas_final | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Finalize MPAS dynamical core as well as its framework. |
dyn_mpas_get_constituent_index | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Function | Query constituent index by its name. |
dyn_mpas_get_constituent_name | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Function | Query constituent name by its index. |
dyn_mpas_get_global_mesh_dimension | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Return global mesh dimensions. |
dyn_mpas_get_local_mesh_dimension | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Return local mesh dimensions. |
dyn_mpas_get_pool_pointer | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Return a pointer of |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_c0 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | A family of accessor subroutines for MPAS dynamical core instance. |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_c1 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i0 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i1 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i2 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i3 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_l0 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r0 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r1 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r2 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r3 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r4 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r5 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_c0 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | A family of accessor subroutines for MPAS dynamical core instance. |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_c1 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_i0 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_i1 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_i2 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_i3 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_l0 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_r0 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_r1 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_r2 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_r3 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_r4 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_get_variable_value_r5 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | |
dyn_mpas_init_phase1 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Track |
dyn_mpas_init_phase2 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Track |
dyn_mpas_init_phase3 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Track |
dyn_mpas_init_phase4 | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Track |
dyn_mpas_init_stream_with_pool | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Initialize an MPAS stream with an accompanying MPAS pool. |
dyn_mpas_map_constituent_index | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Function | Map constituent index from MPAS scalar index. |
dyn_mpas_map_mpas_scalar_index | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Function | Map MPAS scalar index from constituent index. |
dyn_mpas_read_namelist | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Track |
dyn_mpas_read_write_stream | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Read or write an MPAS stream. |
dyn_mpas_run | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Subroutine | Integrate the dynamical states with time. |
dyn_readnl | dyn_comp | Subroutine | Read MPAS namelist from the supplied path. Additionally, perform early initialization of MPAS dynamical core. (KCW, 2024-02-09) |
dyn_run | dyn_comp | Subroutine | Run MPAS dynamical core to integrate the dynamical states with time. (KCW, 2024-07-11) |
dyn_variable_dump | dyn_comp | Subroutine | |
dynamics_to_physics_coupling | dyn_coupling | Subroutine | Perform one-way coupling from the dynamics output states to the physics input states.
The other coupling direction is implemented by its counterpart, |
index_unique | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Function | Return the index of unique elements in |
init_physics_grid | dyn_grid | Subroutine | Initialize physics grid in terms of dynamics decomposition.
Provide grid and mapping information between global and local indexes to physics by calling |
init_reference_pressure | dyn_grid | Subroutine | Initialize reference pressure for use by physics. (KCW, 2024-03-25) |
mark_variables_as_initialized | dyn_comp | Subroutine | Mark everything in the |
model_grid_init | dyn_grid | Subroutine | Initialize various model grids (e.g., dynamics, physics) in terms of dynamics decomposition. Additionally, MPAS framework initialization and reading time-invariant (e.g., grid/mesh) variables are also being completed in this subroutine. (KCW, 2024-03-29) |
parse_stream_name | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Function | Parse a stream name, which consists of one or more stream name fragments, and return the corresponding variable information
as a list of |
parse_stream_name_fragment | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Function | Parse a stream name fragment and return the corresponding variable information as a list of |
physics_to_dynamics_coupling | dyn_coupling | Subroutine | Perform one-way coupling from the physics output states to the dynamics input states.
The other coupling direction is implemented by its counterpart, |
reverse | dyn_comp | Function | Helper function for reversing the order of elements in |
set_analytic_initial_condition | dyn_comp | Subroutine | Set analytic initial condition for MPAS. (KCW, 2024-05-22) |
stepon_final | stepon | Subroutine | |
stepon_init | stepon | Subroutine | |
stepon_run2 | stepon | Subroutine | |
stepon_run3 | stepon | Subroutine | |
stepon_timestep_init | stepon | Subroutine | |
stringify | dyn_mpas_subdriver | Function | Convert one or more values of any intrinsic data types to a character string for pretty printing.
If |